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Educational vouchers are sums of money given by the state to cover all or part of the tuition for all Qatari students enrolled in private institutions that have received national accreditation. The student must provide a letter from his guardian stating that he does not get any education allowance from his employer in order to be eligible for these vouchers.


The voucher has a value of QR 28,000 and can only be paid for in two installments: the first will be made during the first term, precisely one month after classes start, and the second will be made in January of the following year during the second term.


To view the list of schools participating in the voucher system for the academic year 2022-2023, click on this link.

اعدادات الموقع
اعدادات الخط

امكانية الوصول
عرض جميع الاشعارات
مشاهدة الكل