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E-learning is one of the most important means that support the teaching process, transforming it from lecturing (transmissive) approach to an approach of creativity, interaction, skill development, and efficient and effective learning. This contributes to students’ acquisition of the educational competencies and 21st century skills and enhances their productivity.


No doubt that the integration and utilizing technology in education has become a fundamental requirement in any educational system as technology provides better learning environment that facilitates the access, sharing, and transmission of information among the parties in the educational process. Technology also   provides solutions in emergency situations, which has been proven during the "Covid-19" pandemic as the Ministry of Education and Higher Education in the State of Qatar was able to continue the teaching and learning process, and therefore, the country's leadership in e-learning and the readiness of the school community and infrastructure had a great impact on the efficient continuation of high-quality education.


The Ministry of Education and Higher Education in Qatar seeks to create a learning environment where technology is utilized in such a manner that suits current requirements and future aspirations, by implementing appropriate technological solutions to enable e-learning and integrate technology into the teaching and learning processes, as well as by providing digital devices and learning resources, applications and software to establish communication among the parties in the educational process, and contribute to developing and delivering appealing lessons.


The E-Learning and Digital Solutions Department develops necessary plans and policies to implement digital solutions that integrate technology into education in public schools, monitors the use of technology in the teaching and learning process, supervises the development of digital content and interactive books, and proposes devices and applications for e-learning, all in coordination with the relevant administrative units.


Qatar Education System



The Ministry of Education and Higher Education has launched the Qatar Education System, which allows communication among the stakeholders of the educational process including teachers, students, parents, school administrations and educational supervisors, to enhance the efficiency and quality of education. Qatar Education system provides new and advanced approaches to support teaching, learning, collaboration, assessment, increased motivation, analysis, empowerment, and automation. The system serves modern trends in education, such as adaptive learning, gamification of learning, and microlearning.



The system has been rolled out across all public schools, from Grade 3 to Grade 12. Grades 1 and 2 will be included at a later stage.

The system encourages students to learn and enhances their motivation by rewarding them with points, badges, and certificates after completing assigned tasks, such as watching the lesson video, completing the assessment, and other tasks.

The system has been utilized in providing training programmes based on self-learning. The first training program "Qatar Education System – Level 1" was launched in May 2023, targeting all teachers, and granting them a certificate accredited by the Ministry of Education and Microsoft, which is a requisite for obtaining the Microsoft Innovative Educator Expert (MIEE) Certificate.


National E-Learning Strategy

The e-learning strategy has been developed in line with Qatar National Vision 2030 which calls for investing in the human capital, a nation’s most important asset, by creating a world-class educational system that meets the needs of Qatar’s society and responds to the current and future needs of the labor market.

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education launched the National E-Learning Strategy in early 2023. Through the strategy’s initiatives the Ministry endeavors to empower students and enhance digital abilities, and stimulate their curiosity about digital learning approaches, to facilitate their transition to tertiary education armed with modern technology. The strategy also aims to provide teachers with the needed digital and educational abilities to support students in achieving the learning outcomes and developing their 21st century skills.

This is evident in the strategy purpose statement: "effect a qualitative leap in adopting advanced e-learning approaches and modern educational technologies to improve learning outcomes and ensuring the provision of e-learning fundamentals to all stakeholders in the educational process."


Video Lessons Channel (On-Line Learning Channel)

Qatar’s Ministry of Education and Higher Education managed to continue the educational process during the Covid-19 pandemic by developing and uploading 11,248 video lessons to its YouTube on-line learning channel for all grade levels across general education, specialized education, special education, and integration schools, in collaboration with the sector's departments. Furthermore, the daily assessments associated with such lessons were developed and assigned. The channel continued even after the pandemic, being one of the digital learning resources that support students.


Digital Education and Cybersecurity

The Ministry of Education and Higher Education seeks to promote digital security and safety and awareness across all segments of the school community including teachers, students, parents, and others, based on three key principles: Prevention, Protection, and Empowerment, through either direct effort in schools, or in coordination with other authorities and ministries in implementing some school-based programs and activities.

Furthermore, the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, in collaboration with the National Cyber Security Agency, launched the cybersecurity curricula in mid-2023. Both institutions worked together in producing a number of videos in line with computing and information technology curricula, and then published them on the Qatar Education System.


Interactive Display Equipment

Interactive display equipment are available across all classrooms in public schools to enrich the educational process and keep pace with progress. Through the programs and tools of such equipment, various lessons could be prepared and presented in an interesting manner.


E-Learning Classes

Such classes aim to enable all teachers to effectively use the various e-learning tools and digital solutions in lessons, as required by the situation, and achieve the lesson objectives.


Student Clubs & Activities

The Department of E-Learning and Digital Solutions seeks to improve students’ digital skills across all public schools and grade levels through school-based innovation clubs. The Department also engages students with talents in technology in a number of local and international competitions and forums, including: (Tamkeen website, the Gulf Observatory for Artificial Intelligence Camp, and the AI Hackathon).


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