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EducationAnnual Statistics
The Educational Policy and Research Department issues annual statistics about education in the State of Qatar. This includes indicators and accurate information about education of schools and students as well as teachers and administrators.
The aim of these statistics is to provide decision and policy makers with a set of precise and recent statistical data for planning and policymaking based on sound, scientific information, as well as providing an accurate and credible statistical picture for educational researchers and interested parties.
This information includes basic educational data that has been classified according to the various stages of education (pre-primary, primary, preparatory, and secondary stage) depending on the type of education (public, private, evening, special education and special needs education).
Annual statistics on education in Qatar includes data on the educational system for a full academic year and are issued in December of each year.
The Latest Annual Statistics Reports:
Annual Statistics 2020-2021Statistical Issues:
The bulletin contains bi-annual educational statistics featuring the latest statistical data for the period in which the bulletin is issued. The bulletin is published in November and May.
The Latest Statistical Issues: